Free and postal entry for This Morning competition, Good Morning Britain competition, Loose Women, Britain's Got Talent competition for viewers & all ITV, STV & Channel 4 competitions
The Guardian in partnership with Sunvil Discovery are offering to take one lucky winner and their friend, a seven night holiday to the Azores. This is a fabulous free entry prize draw. The Azores have such beautiful wildlife and are also a renown place to spot whales and dolphins.
To be in for a chance of winning this free entry competition, please click on the pink button or the link below and enter your details into the short questionnaire form provided.
Click on the button to enter the competition online for free.
The Cube Competition, Saturday 11th May 2013. Free on-line entry is available here for this week’s Cube competition. All entrants are allowed up to 3 (three) free entries for the competition broadcast on Saturday 11/5/13. This week’s competition is offering a cash prize worth £17,006.
Free on-line entries will be available here from Saturday 11th to Thursday 23rd May 2013.The Cube competition with either, & allows 3 (three) separate free website entries for each person per weekly competition, so please tell your friends etc!
The Cube competition question – Saturday 11th April 2013 is;
How many tiles turn red?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 9
This week’s The Cube competition answer is B: 6.
Deadline for this week’s Cube free competition entries is on Thursday 23rd May 2013 at 10 am.
Click on image to enter competition for free with ITV, STV or UTV. Opens in new tab or window.
Claim all of your 3 (three) free ITV online entries by clicking on the pink buttonor entry link below.
The Cube competition may be offering another huge cash prize in the next show. Free entry could be available on this website from around 8:50 pm on Saturday 24th May 2103 – 24/5/13.
The Cube Competition Winners – 2013.
Cube prize winners for the show broadcast 13th April 2013: Congratulations to Mrs C McMeel of County Antrim who has won a cash prize of £17,027. The winner for the show prize for 20th April 2013 is currently still being contacted!
Due Soon! There will be a new ITV’s The Chase competition available here on Monday 13th May 2013. Another free entry chance to win a cash prize worth between £7000 to £10000 without risking any of your money!
Britain’s Got Talent Competition 2013, is offering a new cash prize in BGT competition number 4. A huge cash prize is up for grabs including trips to New York , Los Angeles & London. The winner will also receive theatre tickets to see Spiderman on Broadway, War Horse and Billy Elliot the musical.
Good luck and please infom your friends, relatives and workmates about this website. Please Like Me on Facebook.
Please note! You can’t submit your competition entries in the comments box below.