Daybreak & Lorraine ITV Comptetion £25,000 & 5 Holidays. Free web entries – Valid to 30th June 2011

Closing date for free on-line web entries is Thursday June 2011 at 12pm.

This week, Daybreak on ITV are giving you the chance to win 5 annual holidays courtesy of Monarch.  Plus £25,000 cash.  Simply answer the following question and click the “Enter Competition” button below;

The Great Pyramid of Giza is in which country?

A – Russia

B – Egypt

C – Austria

We recommend answer B – Egypt.

Get your 6 free online web entries by clicking the following button:

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Check our other free competitions.

You have to be ‘in ‘em to win ‘em’.

All of them are totally free to enter.

Don’t waste your cash on phone or text entries.

Good luck and please tell your friends!


This Morning & Lorraine ITV – Win £10,000, 3D Home Cinema System & LA Trip – Valid to 27th May 2011

No purchase necessary! Don’t spend any money!

This competition is valid to 27th May 2011 at 7.30am

loose women competition 

This competition’s question is;

Hollywood, California is also famously known by which name?

 A. Tinsletown

B. Glittertown

C. Baubletown

We recommend answer A – Tinsletown

Get your 6 free online web entries per person by clicking the following button or link;

Check our other free competitions.

You have to be ‘in ‘em to win ‘em’.

All of them are totally free to enter.  Don’t waste your cash on phone or text entries.

Good luck and please tell your friends!

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